10.5 Fitting the LDA
Now we are ready to fit LDA on our text. For this we will use dtm
. We have to decide on the number of topics. As this is a hyperparameter we have to tune, we can use a grid search. The optimum value of number of topics will give us the maximum likelihood. I don’t go into the details of this, but if you are interested, I recommend checking out Martin Ponweiser’s thesis where he provides the method and the R code to do this [PDF]: http://epub.wu.ac.at/3558/1/main.pdf.
gives us the method choice between Variational Expectation-Maximization (VEM) algorithm and Gibb’s sampler. We will use the latter. We select alpha
equal to 0.2. Lower values of alpha
lead to selecting only a few topics per document. Higher values of alpha
give us diffused distribution. This is also a hyperparameter you might want to tune using grid search. We select 2,000 iterations out of which the first 1,000 are not used (that’s why “burn-in”).
The following code took about 30 seconds on my computer.
lda_model <- LDA(x = dtm,
k = 20,
method = "Gibbs",
control = list(seed = 5648,
alpha = 0.2,
iter = 2000,
burnin = 1000)